Device Handlers

A device handler is the primary integration point between the SDK and a plugin's core logic. It defines how particular devices get read from and written to. All plugins need to implement device handlers in order to interface with devices.

Device handlers are each named; those names are required to be unique for the plugin, as the handler name is how it is referenced in device configuration. Plugins should document the handlers that they implement so plugin users know which handlers are available to them.


A device handler can specify a number of functions which determine its capabilities when interfacing with devices:

  • Read: Defines single-device read behavior.
  • Bulk Read: Defines group read behavior for all devices which use the handler.
  • Write: Defines single-device write behavior.
  • Listen: Defines push-based read behavior, where the plugin listens for the pushed readings.

For handlers which define a write function, Actions may also be specified on the handler -- this is a list of the write actions which the handler supports. It is surfaced upstream to the user as device metadata.


If both a read and bulk read handler are defined, the bulk read capabilities will be ignored and the handler will only use the single-read function. If bulk read is desired, ensure no single-read function is defined.

The presence/absence of functions on a device handler determine a its capabilities. That is to say, if a handler implements a Read function, but no Write function, the device is readable but not writable.


Below is an example of a simple device handler definition as well as how it is registered to the plugin.


package main

import (


var ExampleHandler = sdk.DeviceHandler{
    Name: "time",
    Read: func(device *sdk.Device) ([]*output.Reading, error) {
        now := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)

        return []*output.Reading{
        }, nil


For the definition of the Time output type, see the Outputs example.


package main

import (


func main() {
    // Create a new plugin instance
    plugin, err := sdk.NewPlugin()
    if err != nil {

    // Register device handlers
    err = plugin.RegisterDeviceHandlers(
    if err != nil {

    // Run the plugin
    if err := plugin.Run(); err != nil {

Documenting Device Handlers

It is important for a plugin to document the handlers that they implement so plugin users know what is available to them when configuring devices for the plugin. There is no set way that handlers should be defined, but an example of how they could be defined is provided below for reference (taken from the Synse emulator plugin).

### Device Handlers

Device Handlers are referenced by name.

| Name        | Description                                 | Outputs                   | Read  | Write | Bulk Read | Listen |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | :---: | :---: | :-------: | :----: |
| airflow     | A handler for emulated airflow devices.     | `airflow`                 | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| energy      | A handler for emulated energy devices.      | `kilowatt-hour`           | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| fan         | A handler for emulated fan devices.         | `direction`, `rpm`        | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| humidity    | A handler for emulated humidity devices.    | `humidity`, `temperature` | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| led         | A handler for emulated LED devices.         | `color`, `state`          | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| lock        | A handler for emulated lock devices.        | `status`                  | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| power       | A handler for emulated power devices.       | `watt`                    | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| pressure    | A handler for emulated pressure devices.    | `pascal`                  | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| temperature | A handler for emulated temperature devices. | `temperature`             | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |
| voltage     | A handler for emulated voltage devices.     | `voltage`                 | ✓     | ✓     | ✗         | ✗      |