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Synse Server does not provide any kind of monitoring or analytics solution for the data that it exposes. It does provide basic application-level metrics via a Prometheus exporter.


By default, application metrics export is disabled. To enable it, you would need to set the following values in the application configuration:

  enabled: true

This can also be done via environment variable


Getting metrics

Once configured, you can run Synse Server and verify that metrics are enabled by hitting http://${server_ip}/metrics. If enabled, the route should resolve and you should get Prometheus export data, e.g.

# HELP python_gc_collected_objects Objects collected during gc
# TYPE python_gc_collected_objects histogram
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="0",le="500.0"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="0",le="1000.0"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="0",le="5000.0"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="0",le="10000.0"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="0",le="50000.0"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="0",le="+Inf"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_count{generation="0"} 132.0
python_gc_collected_objects_sum{generation="0"} 1045.0
python_gc_collected_objects_bucket{generation="1",le="500.0"} 12.0

Exposed metrics

In addition to the default Python metrics (e.g. Python garbage collection, Python info, process memory, etc.), Synse Server exposes a number of metrics which describe its application performance. Below are a summary of those metrics.

HTTP Request Count

name synse_http_request_count
description The total number of HTTP requests processed.
metric type Counter
labels method, template, endpoint, http_code, ip

HTTP Request Latency (seconds)

name synse_http_request_latency_sec
description The time it takes for an HTTP request to be fulfilled.
metric type Histogram
labels method, template, endpoint, http_code, ip

HTTP Response Bytes

name synse_http_response_bytes
description The total number of bytes returned in HTTP API responses.
metric type Counter
labels method, template, endpoint, http_code, ip

WebSocket Request Count

name synse_websocket_request_count
description The total number of WebSocket requests processed.
metric type Counter
labels event

WebSocket Request Latency (seconds)

name synse_websocket_request_latency_sec
description The time it takes for a WebSocket request to be fulfilled.
metric type Histogram
labels event

WebSocket Request Bytes

name synse_websocket_request_bytes
description The total number of bytes received from WebSocket requests.
metric type Counter
labels event

WebSocket Response Bytes

name synse_websocket_response_bytes
description The total number of bytes returned from the WebSocket API.
metric type Counter
labels event

WebSocket Error Response Count

name synse_websocket_error_response_count
description The total number of error responses returned by the WebSocket API.
metric type Counter
labels event

WebSocket Session Count

name synse_websocket_session_count
description The total number of active WebSocket sessions connected to Synse Server.
metric type Gauge
labels source

gRPC Message Sent

name synse_grpc_message_sent
description The total number of gRPC messages sent to plugins.
metric type Counter
labels type, service, method, plugin

gRPC Message Received

name synse_grpc_message_received
description The total number of gRPC messages received from plugins.
metric type Counter
labels type, service, method, plugin

gRPC Request Latency (seconds)

name synse_grpc_request_latency_sec
description The time it takes for a gRPC request to be fulfilled.
metric type Histogram
labels type, service, method, plugin

Plugin Active State

name synse_plugin_active_state
description Whether a plugin is currently in the active (1) or inactive (0) state.
metric type Gauge
labels plugin

Plugin Connect Count

name synse_plugin_connect_count
description The total number of times a plugin has been successfully connected to.
metric type Counter
labels plugin

Plugin Disconnect Count

name synse_plugin_disconnect_count
description The total number of times a plugin has disconnected (become unreachable).
metric type Counter
labels plugin

Plugin Disabled

name synse_plugin_disabled
description The number of plugins which are currently in a "disabled" state.
metric type Gauge
labels plugin

Viewing application metrics

An example deployment is provided in the project's GitHub repository which starts up a Synse Server instance, a Prometheus instance to collect application metrics, and a Grafana instance (with pre-built example dashboard) to visualize those metrics.

From the project source, you can simply run:

# vapor-ware/synse-server/examples/monitoring/
docker-compose up -d

All components will start up and be exposed locally

Service Address
synse-server localhost:5000
prometheus localhost:9090
grafana localhost:3000

The login for the Grafana dashboard at localhost:3000 is admin/admin. Once logged in, you can select the "Synse Server Application Metrics" dashboard.

To get requests data, you will need to hit Synse Server endpoints, e.g.

  • localhost:5000/test
  • localhost:5000/version
  • localhost:5000/v3/config
  • localhost:5000/v3/plugin
  • localhost:5000/v3/scan
  • ...

Or use synse-loadgen.