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Debug Mode

By default, Synse Server runs with logging set at DEBUG level. To run it at INFO level, you can either set logging: info in the Synse Server configuration YAML, or you can set it via environment variable, e.g. SYNSE_LOGGING=info.

This can be set for docker run

docker run -p 5000:5000 -e SYNSE_LOGGING=info vaporio/synse-server

or via compose file (or other orchestration configuration)

version: '3'
    image: vaporio/synse-server
    - '5000:5000'
      SYNSE_LOGGING: info

Debugging gRPC

You may run into issues with Synse Server communicating with plugins, ranging anywhere from a bug in the application(s), a networking issue, or issues with TLS certs. The error messages returned by Synse Server's gRPC client may not be enough to get a detailed picture of whats going on. In such cases, you can enable more detailed gRPC logging by setting the GRPC_TRACE and GRPC_VERBOSITY environment variables, e.g. from compose file:

version: '3'
    image: vaporio/synse-server
    - '5000:5000'
      SYNSE_LOGGING: debug
      GRPC_TRACE: all

Additional info about these environment variables and their allowable values may be found here.

Getting Logs

When running Synse Server in a Docker container, its logs are output to the container's stdout/stderr, so they can be accessed via docker logs, e.g.

docker logs synse-server


As of Synse Server version v3.0.1, a --profile flag is made available to run Synse Server in profiling mode. This uses cProfile to gather the profiling data. When the flag is set, profiling data will be printed out to console and written out to file (synse-server.profile).

To set the flag, pass --profile in as a command to the container, e.g.

docker run vaporio/synse-server --profile

or, in a compose file

version: '3'
    image: vaporio/synse-server
    - '5000:5000'
    command: ['--profile']

To get the profiling data, stop synse server (e.g. docker stop synse-server). You can view the profiling data by:

  • looking at the container logs (docker logs synse-server)
  • copying the profile out of the container (docker cp synse-server:/synse/synse-server.profile .)

From there, you can use tools like gprof2dot and dot to create graphs of the data, or write a simple script to parse the profiling data as desired.

For example:

$ gprof2dot -f pstats synse-server.profile -o
$ dot -Tpng -o synse-server.png