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Plugin Health

The SDK provides a notion of health for a plugin via health checks. The overall health status of the plugin is exposed by a health file, making it easy to integrate into container management health checks, e.g. for Docker Compose or Kubernetes.

By default, the health file is /etc/synse/plugin/healthy. Plugin health status (healthy, unhealthy) is designated by the presence/absence of this file, where is presence indicates that the plugin is health, and the absence that it is unhealthy. With this, simply running cat /etc/synse/plugin/healthy is enough to know whether or not a plugin is healthy.

The overall plugin health is determined by a number of health checks. The SDK provides some built-in health checks which are enabled by default (and can be disabled in the plugin configuration). These health checks periodically check whether the read/write buffers are full or close to full.

Custom health checks may be registered with the plugin. This allows a plugin to use any metric it deems fit as a measure of health. Currently, the only type of health check which is supported is the periodic check, which runs periodically on a timer.


Below is a simple example showcasing how a custom health check can be registered with a plugin instance.


package main

import (


func customHealthCheck() error {
    // perform some check and return an error if the check fails
    return nil

func main() {
    // Create a new plugin instance
    plugin, err := sdk.NewPlugin(
    if err != nil {

    customCheck := health.NewPeriodicHealthCheck("example health check", 3*time.Second, customHealthCheck)
    if err := plugin.RegisterHealthChecks(customCheck); err != nil {

    // Run the plugin
    if err := plugin.Run(); err != nil {

For a more complete example, see the health check example plugin.