

To begin developing Synse Server, you will first need your own copy of the source code. Fork the GitHub repo and clone it down to your local workspace.


It is recommended to use the following development tools:

  • tox: Create reproducible environments for testing, linting, and other development actions.
  • pyenv: Python version management - Synse Server requires Python 3.6 or greater.
  • docker: Build and run Synse Server in a containerized environment.
  • docker-compose: Define and run deployments for development and testing.
  • make: Run predefined targets that simplify various development actions and workflows.


To aid in the developer workflow, Makefile targets are provided for common development tasks. To see what targets are provided, see the project Makefile, or run make help from the project repo root.

$ make help
clean            Clean up build and test artifacts
cover            Run unit tests and open the resulting HTML coverage report
deps             Update the frozen pip dependencies (requirements.txt)
docker           Build the docker image
fmt              Automatic source code formatting (isort, autopep8)
github-tag       Create and push a tag with the current version
help             Print Make usage information
i18n             Update the translations catalog
lint             Run linting checks on the project source code (isort, flake8, twine)
test             Run the unit tests
version          Print the version of Synse Server

It is recommended to run tests, formatting, and linting locally prior to pushing/opening a pull request. These steps, including building the package and docker image, are also run in CI. CI failures will prevent pull requests from being merged.